IDEA School of Design Blog | Capilano University Illustration and Design School

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Rachel Wong (IDEA Grad 2021) gains 2020 GDC Foundation Ray Hrynkow Scholarship Honourable Mention with ‘Hoppers Cricket Dog Treats’ brand identity

Many congratulations to Rachel Wong (IDEA Grad 2021) for gaining the 2020 GDC Foundation Ray Hrynkow Scholarship Honourable Mention for “Hoppers Cricket Dog Treats” brand identity.

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"Hoppers" Cricket Dog Treats

Despite being known as “man’s best friend”, dogs are large contributors to the degradation of our environment. Dog food is often made from meat products - the production of which yields major greenhouse gases. Hoppers is a brand of sustainable dog treats made from cricket powder, giving dog owners an opportunity to create a positive impact towards the critical environmental issues facing humanity. Through thoughtful and eyecatching design, Hoppers aims to make cricket dog treats conventional, reminding owners that their pets do not have to be eating at the top of the food chain. 

Mini Bag


As I created the branding and packaging for Hoppers, doing in-depth research of the current market,  potential competitors, and my target audience was very important and helped inform many of my design decisions. By learning what was already available and what my target audience valued, I was able to inject personality into the brand and create something that would be memorable and stand out in the store aisles.

Rachel Wong Promotional Photo

Rachel Wong
Bachelor of Design Program
Capilano University
North Vancouver, BC
Instructors: Judy Snaydon, Dominique Walker


About the GDC Foundation Ray Hrynkow Scholarship

This national scholarship is awarded to a third-year student in a Canadian four-year program whose submission has demonstrated a deep understanding of problem-solving through communication design. The Scholarship was created in honour of Ray Hrynkow, a respected Vancouver, BC design professional, teacher and GDC Fellow who passed away in 2012. It is supported by Casey Hrynkow FGDC and other donors.

One step away from joining the professional ranks, the promise of the design talent in Canada is demonstrated by the recipient providing great design for social innovation and sustainability in a robust package with a strong rationale and supporting research.

For all the winners, see

Follow Rachel on Insta @r_chelwong.