IDEA School of Design Blog | Capilano University Illustration and Design School

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Introducing Megan Barry, IDEA School of Design Grad 2023

We recently caught up with Megan Barry (IDEA Grad 2023) about her experiences and best work in first year at IDEA School of Design along with some projects she took on over the summer. Megan and the rest of her cohort begin their second year at IDEA this week!

Check out some of Megan’s projects below for a glimpse into first year at Capilano University’s IDEA School of Design.

Some First Year Projects by Megan Barry

The self-portrait (shown above) was for IDES 133 - Visual Studio taught by Jay Bassan in first semester. The assignment was to create an image that represented our personal brand, including our strengths and passions. I focused on my love of fantasy and fiction in the form of comics and books.

Antwerpen shopping bag design by Megan Barry (IDEA Grad 2023)

Antwerp (or Antwerpen in Flemish) is Belgium’s most populous city and Europe’s second-largest port. It has been a major economic and cultural hub of Europe for centuries; however, despite its storied history, the city maintains a fresh and contemporary image. I wanted my bag to represent this contemporary fashion-forward look through clean and simple typography. I chose the colour red because the roof of Antwerp’s central train station (which you should see if you ever get the chance) is held up by steel supports which are painted a beautiful shade of burgundy.

IDES 132 “Survey and Principles of Illustration” project by Megan Barry (IDEA Grad 2023)

This ink assignment (shown above) for was for IDES 132 “Survey and Principles of Illustration” taught by Pascal Milelli. We had to draw two figures in an environment, one fully visible and one partially obscured. I came up with this drawing of a satyr spying on an unsuspecting woman emerging from the foliage. I challenged myself to create a dynamic sense of lighting, which is not easy when you can only use lines and not tones.

Self-portrait in pastels by Megan Barry (IDEA Grad 2023)

We did another self-portrait for our life drawing class. I did it in pastels while looking at myself in a mirror. It’s always a challenge to work from life, but especially when you are drawing yourself.

Pirate acrylic painting by Megan Barry (IDEA Grad 2023)

Our last life drawing class of last semester was my favourite. It was taught by Andrew McDermott. Our model came in a pirate costume and we got to do an hour-and-a-half long pose. This acrylic painting (shown above) was the product.

“Floating City” by Megan Barry (IDEA Grad 2023)

“Floating City” was created for first semester illustration with Jeff Burgess, IDES 131 Survey and Principles of Illustration I. The assignment was to create a graphite piece demonstrating 2-point perspective. I thought it was a fun opportunity to create a more complex environment/scene than I had ever done before. It took a long time, but I’m very proud of how it turned out.

Summer Projects

I’ve got a bunch of projects still in progress, but I just finished an animatic which I put a bunch of work into! It’s been fun to have more time for illustration projects this summer.

The Ruby of the Sea is the Best Lay Ever - A Critical Role Animatic

'The Ruby of the Sea is the Best Lay Ever' is a sea shanty inspired by an improvised song lyric by Laura Bailey during S02E08, and marks the first of a series of CR inspired shanties. Love and Gratitude to the Cast and Crew of Critical Role. Megan Barry is the incredible illustrator and artist responsible for this wonderful animatic.

What are your thoughts on first year at IDEA School of Design?

I have learned so much already in my short time at IDEA School of Design. The program pushes you to grow in areas you might not already be comfortable in and has really expanded the range of what I feel capable of doing. The improvement in my art since this time last year is incredible to see.

“This one’s for the barbarians” by Megan Barry (IDEA Grad 2023)

Make sure to check out Megan’s work on instagram @megolas_art!!