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Advice to First Years and Summer Highlights from IDEA School of Design’s Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication Grad 2027

We asked IDEA School of Design’s Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication Grad 2027 for their summer highlights and advice to first-year students. Check out this story!

Kara Du Plessis

Advice for first years: Stay organized, don't push yourself to perfection, it's okay if not all of your work is the best thing you've ever made, we are here to learn not to be perfect. 

Fun summer memories: Road trip to Portland 

Emilyn Lai

Summer highlight: Though it was the longest summer I had, it went by the fastest. I had the opportunity to study abroad in Hokkaido, where I learned a lot and made great friends. I’m happy to be back on campus though, and I’m excited for the fall semester.

Advice to first years: Learn the basics of your software well and thoroughly. It’ll save you a lot of time and stress down the line. Also, learn how to take constructive criticism with open hands.

Cameron Skorulski

My advice for the first years is to research all the new art supplies that they have not used before. Many of the supplies included in the art kit require some research to use properly, and I witnessed a lot of my classmates accidentally destroying their supplies because they did not know how to use them properly.

Specific tips: brushes with blue handles are for watercolour/gouache ONLY, ruler has a foam backing to prevent slipping, and using micron pens on the cold-and pressed watercolour paper will wear down and crack the nibs.

ALSO many students may want to consider investing in some cheaper 25% cotton watercolour paper, so they are not using the large high-quality expensive arches block for excercises where it is not nessessary.

Kayla Do

The highlight of my summer was going on a road trip to Oregon with my family and cousins. We ate a lot of great food, explored the city and did a lot of shopping!

Crescille Buyuccan

My summer highlight was finally going outside and touching some grass—10/10 would recommend.

Mikhail Basco

Highlight of the summer: Turning 20!

Advice for first years: Don’t try so hard to be liked, your people will find you.

Sofia Saienko

My summer highlight is my international friends coming to Vancouver for a couple of weeks, I haven't seen them for almost two years so that was exciting.

My advice to first years is to plan your time and not do your projects last minute :) That way you will have time to ask your teacher for feedback and improve your work. Asking your classmates for feedback is also super helpful.

Riley Young

Langara’s Foundation Design program provided transfer credits for IDEA School of Design at Capilano University which was a major factor in me transferring here over other programs. Another factor was the reputation of the Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication program and how well it prepared and taught students for a career in design.

Summer Highlight: Seeing three blue whales at Long Beach during a trip to Los Angeles.

Sasha Lun

My advice for the first years is to aim for growth not perfection! Focus on improving your skills for your future self and of course have tons of fun when doing it! You got this :D

Livvy Hung

Advice for first years: don’t be afraid to go up to your instructor and ask for feedback in any phase of a project. They are here to help you!

Megan Heigh

My first-year advice would be to be gracious with yourself, this program is hard and can be a lot to handle. Take time for yourself when you can and try to remind yourself that you're here for a reason and CAN do it!

Shilo Sun

My summer highlight is going back to China for the first time in 10 years, and my grandma beating cancer shortly after we arrived.

My advice for first years is: Be kind and do your best to be reliable in a team, especially in second semester. School becomes so much more interesting once you get to know all sorts of people!

Kyla Seguiban

My advice for first years:

- It’s okay to take breaks! It’s good for your mental health.
- Take advantage of the student services that is offered by the university.
- Have fun with your peers
- Talk to your upperclassmen for advice. We don’t bite lol 🙂
- Take care of your well-being.
- “Trust Nothing, Trust No one”

Summer Highlight:

I had the great opportunity to travel some places around BC with my partner. We took photos, did some touristy stuff together.