Grads win Lotus Awards: Kim Ridgewell, John Larigakis and Rory O'Sullivan

Congratulations to 3 IDEA graduates who won Lotus awards at this year's event: Kim Ridgewell (Grad 07), John Larigakis (Grad 10) and Rory O'Sullivan (Grad 05). Merit awards were also won by Kim, John, Shon Tanner (Grad 09), and current third year student Miles Chic (Grad 12).

Congratulations all!

Celebrating creativity in British Columbia, the Lotus Awards spotlight excellence and innovation in the province of B.C.

Carol Aitken

Carol is Chair of the IDEA School of Design, and co-coordinator of the Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication. She holds a BA (Hons) in Graphic Design and a Masters in Publishing.


IDEA School of Design ranked top of poll in Western Canada and 3rd in Canada


Media Arts Open House Sat Nov 19