Early Admission Applicants for Fall 2018 must submit a portfolio by January 24

Study Design in Vancouver!

Entry to the Bachelor of Design program at Capilano University is competitive, and applicants must submit a portfolio and other documents through the online portal SlideRoom.

Not sure what to include in a portfolio? This  Portfolio Requirements page gives you all the information you should need.

Below is a sample of a typical student application portfolio on SlideRoom.

Note: Submissions received after January 24, 2018 will be considered in the Late Admission Period.

Ryan McDiarmid (Grad 19) entrance portfolio; pictured above, recent illustration by Ryan McDiarmid

Ryan McDiarmid (Grad 19) entrance portfolio; pictured above, recent illustration by Ryan McDiarmid

James Neufeld

James has over 20 years of experience in the web/interactive design and development, Internet marketing and social media industries, working primarily as a freelancer, consultant and instructor, but also as a subcontractor to small agencies. He has experience with a variety of clients in small business, government, institutional and not-for-profit sectors. James is an instructor, lab supervisor and blog/social media coordinator at Capilano University's IDEA School of Design and also teaches a CodeCore College. His specialty is HTML & CSS for designers.


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