Late Admission Applicants for Fall 2018 must submit a portfolio by April 18 

Study Design in Vancouver!

Entry to the Bachelor of Design program at Capilano University is competitive, and applicants must submit a portfolio and other documents through the online portal SlideRoom.

Not sure what to include in a portfolio? This  Portfolio Requirements page gives you all the information you should need.

Below is another sample of a typical student application portfolio on SlideRoom.

2nd year student Danica Koller submitted this illustration, Hands, as part of her student application portfolio.

2nd year student Danica Koller submitted this illustration, Hands, as part of her student application portfolio.

Note: No submissions will be accepted after Wednesday, April 18, 2018.

James Neufeld

James has over 20 years of experience in the web/interactive design and development, Internet marketing and social media industries, working primarily as a freelancer, consultant and instructor, but also as a subcontractor to small agencies. He has experience with a variety of clients in small business, government, institutional and not-for-profit sectors. James is an instructor, lab supervisor and blog/social media coordinator at Capilano University's IDEA School of Design and also teaches a CodeCore College. His specialty is HTML & CSS for designers.

Vancouver-based artist, Camilla d'Errico, makes waves in fine art and comics


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