Nada Hayek’s first week of practicum at Rethink has gone far more smoothly than she expected
by Nada Hayek (IDEA Grad 2020)
My first week of practicum at Rethink has gone far more smoothly than I expected. Prior to my first day, I was excited because I knew that my practicum experience would provide me with loads of learning experiences that I would probably carry with me for the rest of my career. I was also nervous; Rethink is one of the best in the business and I was naturally stressed out by the fact I would be contributing creatively. Despite this fear, I’m usually up for any challenge (unless it’s a physical one), especially when it involves something I’m passionate about. Bring on the learnin’!
On Monday, Heather and I were shown to our desks first thing in the morning, where a nice book was waiting for us. It was Rethink’s newly-released book (shown above)—literally released the other day. It’s packed with all of their thinking secrets (would probably be good investment for IDEA School of Design students)!!! We went through typical orientation protocol and had a tour of the office in the afternoon. The rest of the day was fairly quiet until 4:30PM when I got my first brief! The project is for The Canadian Men’s Health Foundation. I was briefed on the concepts for the campaign and was tasked with creating moodboards to accompany a few separate visual directions for them. We also sent out intro e-mails, with short bios to introduce ourselves to the office—everyone knows I hate horses now.
Max Littledale’s (IDEA Grad 2018) reply to my fear of horses. Thanks, Max.
I mostly worked on the moodboards throughout the week. If you looked at my search history right now you’d see things like: vintage, olympic logos, 1930s beer coasters, emblems, masculine typography, and 1984 sport suit. I promise they’re related in some way.
Heather Haughn (IDEA Grad 2020) at the free Broadway show we attended after the workshop.
Wednesday, Heather and I were out of office. We got volunteered to go to a workshop called Broadway@Work. It’s organized by two personnel from Broadway in New York. They help people become more confident with public speaking and to be comfortable networking. It involved some improv and a lot of uncomfortable putting-yourself-out-there moments. They took us out for drinks and dinner afterward. Needless to say, I ate a ton.
I worked on my moodboards for the next two days, meeting with the art director and Hans to make sure I was on the right path. So far, so good. I’m not drowning!
Friday’s highlight was Pam’s baby shower. Heather and I helped decorate the office and wrapped up the day by eating and drinking with the Rethink team. I also got briefed on another task. This time it’s a real simple one for A&W’s e-mail coupon subscription. It’ll mostly involve referencing the brand’s graphic standards and applying it to a small graphic for web.
Lego room, baby!
To end off, I’ll just say this: Already, Rethink has proven themselves to be a friendly, driven, funny, and incredibly talented group of people. They also have a Lego-themed meeting-room. I tried booking it once. I messed up and booked the one in the Montreal office…I’m learning things everyday.
About IDEA School of Design at Capilano University
IDEA School of Design at Capilano University has always had a strong connection with the Vancouver creative industry. We have deepened our involvement through the launch of our fourth-year practicums now in their third year.
IDES 490 Industry Practicum is an experiential learning course that takes place primarily off campus. Students work within a studio/agency environment or with a personal mentor in a capacity related to visual communication.
We wish our students all the best as they transition from school to work and will keep you abreast of how our students are getting along in their new roles in the coming weeks.
For more on Nada see, check out her blog at or follow her on Insta @sloppyjohansson.
See also: Why writing a book is crazy and why we did it anyway and Six IDEA alumni at Rethink Communications Vancouver offer career advice to IDEA students as they prepare for industry internships and practicums