IDEA School of Design’s Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication Grad 2025 shares their advice

IDEA School of Design’s Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication Grad 2025 shares their advice

We asked IDEA School of Design’s Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication Grad 2025 to share advice for students in first, second and third year and wish them a successful 4th and final year! Check out this story!

Sophia Spanos McGill

In general, try not to waste time overthinking. Obviously, you want to care about your work and your grades. But understand that things like style, speed, ease and experience all come from the time you put into your work. So learn to have fun and enjoy the process. If your process brings you joy, you’ll always be satisfied and fulfilled, regardless of whether you’re happy with the final piece, your grade or how it’s received by others or not.

That feeling of fulfillment is what will drive you throughout your career in school and once you graduate. It’ll be important for you to conserve the part of you thats pursuing this degree because you fundamentally love to create, to tell stories, to make an impact or love bringing beauty into the world.

That which motivates you will be integral to the very essence of your designs and art. So however you can, nurture that.

This is almost as important, but make friends! Treasure being surrounded by creatives and don’t neglect your social life. Opportunities can arise from even the smallest of interactions.

My last little piece of advice would be to treat yourself well. You’ll get there. But make sure it’s in one piece. Try not to pull all nighters, eat well and understand that a balance where you shift priorities and can compromise will be a great asset to you as a creative.

Tin Raganit

My advice for younger years! Stick close to the cheerleaders in your life, whether it be a classmate, a professor, or a dear friend who knows nothing about illustration or design. These people, along with your talent and dedication, will take you far. Also, you and your work are better when you're running on 8 hours of sleep. Trust me.

Nathan Aguilar

If you have coverage, remember to opt out of the CSU medical and health insurance and save your money!!

Carmen Huang

You don’t have to excel at everything! If you are inclined towards a particular area, focus on projects that help you build and refine those skills, but also don’t let this limit you. Be open to experimenting and trying new things! School is meant for you to learn, so don’t be afraid to explore and make mistakes.

Also, don’t be afraid to ask for help and feedback, the instructors are there to support and guide you!

Karen Unnsteinsdottir

My biggest advice for IDEA students is to communicate! If you're ever struggling with a project, managing your time, or even a personal matter that's impacting your studies, reach out to your profs. They can only help you succeed if they know what is going on. Give yourself grace and allow your mentors to help you throughout this degree. 😊

Ananya Eriyat

My advice to all the years is to understand how much you're truly capable of. Push yourself, but remember to take care of yourself along the way. Lean on the support around you, and when assignment deadlines feel overwhelming, just remember: it’s all uphill from here. Embrace the challenge and make the most of every moment!

IDEA School of Design’s Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication Grad 2026 chooses their concentration!

IDEA School of Design’s Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication Grad 2026 chooses their concentration!