Fall Open Studio Day is Saturday, November 5, 2016

Applications are about to open for September 2017 entry to the Bachelor of Design – so come and find out if this exciting program is for you!

Have all your questions answered this Saturday at our Open Studio Day, which begins with an Information Presentation at 1 p.m.

We’ll walk you through the features of our program and follow with tours of classroom studios.

Don't forget to bring your portfolio or sketchbook for some friendly feedback from our faculty.

Download directions and campus maps here.

Carol Aitken

Carol is Chair of the IDEA School of Design, and co-coordinator of the Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication. She holds a BA (Hons) in Graphic Design and a Masters in Publishing.


Jim Rimmer Scholarship winners: Pamella Pinard & Max Littledale


AIGA 2016 Conference in pictures