IDEA School of Design welcomes the class of 2023!

IDEA School of Design welcomes the class of 2023!

We asked the graduating class of 2023 to share how they felt on Day 1 and what they were excited to learn at IDEA School of Design. Meet IDEA23!

Looking forward to seeing other student’s work!
— Marko Jones
Excited to come back to a creative space where I can share my passion for graphic design with others.
— Margaux Worrall
I’m excited to create something memorable (friendships, art/project, memories, etc) but I fear my hopes will be crushed by bad time management :(
— Grace Choi
*distressed Wreeeeeeeee*
— Jasper (Jazz) Lee
I’m feeling nervous but mainly excited to learn new things😊
— Mya Zdrill
I’m feeling really stoked; I love everyone in the class and I’m super excited to collaborate with others and bond about art/design.  Aside from that, I’m absolutely terrified for all the traditional art expected this year: painting, pastels, still-life drawings, etc.  Hyped for the typography and general graphic design classes though.
— Kathrin Teh
I’m super duper excited to be here and ready to dive in and learn a ton at IDEA! Also can’t wait to start using all the cool art supplies we got!
— Sandrine Dionne
I feel like my teeth are floating, and that at any moment I’ll wake up from everything like it was a hazy fever dream and none of it was real.
— Connie Low
I’m excited to do lots of drawing, and less excited to do lots of blogging. I hope that I will not be burnt out by the end of the year!
— Megan Barry
I am feeling very good! I am so excited for what is to come and am truly enjoying my time here so far. Looking forward in the year, I’m very excited to learn new skills and further my understanding of the different art mediums and the history behind them. I also can’t wait to try the Adobe softwares!
— Mia Canderan
Today is the first full day and I’m feeling great! This program has really inspired me to focus and really appreciate design. This year I am excited to take my skills and improve them professionally. I’m excited to be apart of Capilano University!!
— Justin Filippone
Sup. My name is Jamie. I am pretty freakin’ pumped to get started with the IDEA program because I’ll finally be able to draw in class without getting yelled at. Let’s do some doodles y’all. 
— Jamie Kusack
Well, I didn’t pop out the womb knowing how to paint the Mona Lisa. I started from drawing crappy dinosaurs, but with effort and time, I learned how to draw less crappy dinosaurs. I’m excited to build on all the skills of a designer and one day, make a perfect dinosaur drawing (and all the cool relationships I’ll build as well, but my main focus is the dinosaur).
— Andrew Choi
I am feeling pretty good about this program! I am excited to gain more experience in design and illustration.
— David Bautista
I’m Shuchang Feng. Tired at the beginning. Have a good day.
— Shuchang Feng
I am excited to see what my classmates are capable of and to see their potential! I am also looking forward to learning new mediums and making personal connections throughout the year!
— Cale Cooper
I’m looking forward to creating lots of pieces as well as working with a group of insanely creative and talented people!!! Literally could not sleep the days leading up to the first day of school.. although that might just be because of my awful summer sleep schedule though.. Nonetheless I’m super pumped for this year and more to come!
— Michelle Viet
I’m excited to create, collaborate and inspire!
— Aleks Jones
I’m feeling slightly out of my element since coming out of high school, as well as interested to see how I will grow through IDEA. I am excited about working in a cubicle, along with the new experiences I will have in uni.
— Terence Zhu
Looking forward to learning more about visual storytelling and design. Terrified of traditional art.
— Dallas McKinnon

The Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication is a four-year degree program offered by the IDEA School of Design. The focus of the Bachelor of Design at Capilano University is career preparation. The Bachelor of Design allows students to specialize in branding, illustration or interactive design, and offers a flexible curriculum to meet individual student goals.

Early Applications for Fall 2020 begin November 1, 2019.

Follow the cohort on Insta @ideatwentythree.

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